Calculating watts from amps or volts is easy. It simply takes a few steps. You can’t necessarily convert amps directly to watts, since each unit represents something different, but with an extra step or two you can find the exact measurement you need. Generally, a household has three different types of appliances, and ACUPWR can offer a unit conversion technique for each of them. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll abbreviate watts to W, amps to A, volts to V, and power in watts to P.

1. DC Amps to Watts
W = A ⨯ V
For example:
If you want to know the power consumption in watts for an appliance with a current of 3 amps and a voltage of 110, your calculation would be:
Amps ⨯ volts = watts
3 ⨯ 110 = 330 watts
2. Single-Phase AC Amps to Watts
If you need calculations for single phase devices, then real power in watts will be given in terms of a power factor (PF) multiplied by the root-mean-square voltage multiplied by the phase current. The power factor is the ratio of “real” electric power used to do work to the “apparent” power given to the appliance. So your calculation would be:
W = PF ⨯ A ⨯ V
For example:
You need a transformer for appliance that is rated as 0.8 power factor, 3-amp phase current, 110-volt RMS voltage. Power in watts can then be calculated as:
P = 0.8 ⨯ 3 ⨯ 110 = 264 watts
3. Three-Phase AC Amps to Watts
Line-to-Line Voltage
Power in watts is calculated by multiplying the square root of three by the power factor, the current in amps, and the line-to-line RMs voltage in volts. The equation is:
P = √3 ⨯ PF ⨯ A ⨯ V
Line to Natural Voltage
Assuming the power loads are balanced, the equation for determining power in watts for line to natural voltage would be almost exactly the same, except you multiply the amps, voltage, and power factor by three instead of the square root of three. Your equation would be:
P = 3 ⨯ PF ⨯ A ⨯ V
Why Choose an ACUPWR Power Converter
ACUPWR is the leading manufacturer for voltage transformers. We provide high-quality power converters for refrigerators, freezers, coolers and more, with the ability to switch effortlessly between the power standards you need. Most of the appliances on market do not make accurate adjustments for hertz rate, and because of this, the performance of your appliance is slowed. Its internal circuitry may suffer a huge loss. Give your appliances the ability to achieve optimum performance around the world with ACUPWR products, with voltage transformers and power converters for any voltage and any major application.
When we talk about sophisticated refrigerators, we need to take additional care when it comes to converting voltage, because one low-quality product can cause serious damage to your expensive appliance. Instead of taking that risk, choose an American-made, UL-approved ACUPWR power converter. Our products come with guaranteed protection.
Generally, it is not possible to connect appliances with different supply ratings. For example, you should not use an appliance rated for 110 volts and 50 hertz with a power supply rated for 220 volts and 60 hertz. However, ACUPWR voltage transformers can adjust the frequency rate in order to match the needed speed of your appliance. If you need to use your device with variable ratings, ACUPWR power converters can serve you better, as they can effectively make conversions between one voltage level to other.
ACUPWR has a huge collection of voltage transformers with different power ratings that can be used all over the world with all kinds of devices. If you are thinking about moving to another country, but you are worried about connectivity of your appliances, ACUPWR is here to help. We design all our power converters with surge protection, so you don’t have to worry about voltage fluctuations damaging your devices, and on top of that, we offer damage recovery up to $10,000 on our products.