The ACUPWR Papers

Practical Tips for Moving Abroad, Part 2

Moving abroad can be exhilarating and anxiety-provoking all at once. You’ll have a country full of new opportunities to explore, but there are a lot of logistics you need to take care of first. When you order a power converter from ACUPWR, you’ll have one less thing to worry about: your electronics burning out or overloading. We make voltage transformers so you can travel all over the world and use your favorite devices without fear. We want all your experiences abroad to be just as simple, which is why we created this series with a few practical tips that will make moving abroad a little easier. Revisit part one to review our first six tips, and keep reading for six more! If you haven’t yet found a power converter you can trust, ACUPWR has you covered. Shop our collection and get ready to move with confidence!

1. Learn What Your New Country Doesn’t Have

Your new home will probably have a lot of new things to try, but there are probably a few things that you depend on right now that you’ll want with you after you move. Do a little preemptive research and investigate whether you’ll be able to find or order those items. Can you refill the medical prescriptions you need abroad? Do they have your favorite food? With a little planning, you can find ways to get the items you need and love (like shipping peanut butter in bulk).

2. Know How To Handle Everyday Activities

Before you move, think through the everyday things you do that might be different or need a little set-up first. Paying for lunch, for example, or going to the doctor. Do you have a bank account set up in your new country? Do you know where to go when you’re due for a dentist appointment? Save yourself the headache of trying to figure everything out at once and plan ahead.

3. Know Where To Go For Help

If something goes wrong, do you know what to do? Moving is a chaotic time, especially when moving abroad. Give yourself some peace of mind and prepare for emergencies now. Ask yourself: what number do you call for the police? Where can you go when you’re sick? What do you do in the case of extreme weather, like a hurricane or tsunami?

4. Address Any Health Needs

It’s a good idea to get a full physical before moving to make sure there are no surprises. You should also get back-ups for glasses, contacts, and any medical appliances you need. Double check that your medications are legal in your new country, and see if you can bring extra refills with you. Research what vaccinations or boosters you may need to travel and schedule those appointments ahead of time, before you get busy packing.

5. Get The Paperwork You Need!

The most important part of moving abroad is getting all the legal clearances and documentation you need. Secure a visa or whatever official permissions you need to move and make sure you have your passport. You may also need to get health clearances for you and all the members of your family, pets included. Make copies of all your important documents, from immunization records to legal agreements, and store them in a secure, protected place where you won’t forget them.

Moving abroad can be a complicated process, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. Use today’s tips and the tips from part one of this series to plan ahead and prepare. That way, once you settle in, you can concentrate on exploring your new home rather than fussing over the little details. If you want to take your most trusted appliances and electronic devices abroad, ACUPWR can relieve the worry of having to use a cheap and unreliable power converter. We offer voltage transformers for countries all over the world, and not only are our devices guaranteed for 120 percent of their voltage, they come with a lifetime warranty and damage protection. Order your ACUPWR Tru-Watts power converter today and get excited for your move!

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